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As well as our members who are taking part in our Festival of Print 2024, we are a wide network of printmakers from across Scotland.


Ade Adesina

Hayley Anderson

Bryan Angus

Sara Beevers

Ingrid Bell

Jill Bennett

Colin Blanchard

Doreen Boogert

Johann Booyens

Laura Boswell

Hugh Bryden

Nicola Chambury

Linda Chau

Caroline Convey

Sylvi Davey

Katie Edge Mellor

Caroline Erolin

Rosemary Everett

Linda Farquharson

Georgie Fay

Lyndsay Fergus

Morven Ferguson

Paul Fieldsend

Jane Freshwater

Anupa Gardner

Chris Giles

Pamela Grace

Claire Graham

John Grey

Lisa Gribbon

Lisa Hooper

Emma Jones

Shelley Jupitus

Catherine King

Karen Komurcu

Linda Kosciewicz

Lenny Lane

Suzie MacKenzie

Rona MacLean

Colin Macleod

Fiona Maher

Jenny Martin

Dawn McTaggart

Claire McVinnie

Karen Menarry

Julia Mesnikoff

Joshua Miles

Kim Minuti

Cat Moore

Gregory Moore

Anne Morris

Kate Murray

Nicola Neate

Carol Nunan

Babs Pease

Caroline Preston

Margaret Preston

Ursula Pretsch

Llinos Proctor

Sylvia Quinn Home

Dawn Reade

Barbara Rimmington

Sheila Roberts

Sheila Rodger

Fenella Ross-Elmer

Sarah Ross-Thompson

Louise Scott

Rod Scott

Tom Scott

Bruce Shaw

Sue Shields

Annie Shnapp

Anne Skinner

Katie Squires

Kelly Stewart

Sarah Stewart

Gill Thompson

Elaine Thomson


Luise Valentiner

Anne Waggot Knott

Mary Waters

Kitty Watt

Jill Welham

Judith Wild

Lynda Wilson

Sarah Wilson

Deb Wing

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